
Buying ‘One actionable thing’ that can save prospective homebuyers up to $104,000 over the life of their mortgage As today’s prospective home buyers confront high home prices and rising interest rates, there’s one thing they can do to save money — raise their credit scores. “This is one actionable thing buyers can do to save a little bit of money in this market,” said Amanda Pendleton, consumer finance expert at Zillow Home Loans. […]
Buying Freddie Mac to include on-time rent in underwriting On-time rental payments to be included in Freddie Mac’s system starting July 10. Freddie Mac announced Wednesday that on-time rental payments will be included in its underwriting system. The government-sponsored enterprise said that it hopes to incentivize “responsible” renters to make a leap into homeownership. According to Freddie, this option will be available starting July 10 […]
Buying Can Changing Jobs Prevent You From Getting a Mortgage? Taking on a new job can be exciting. But if getting a new gig happens to coincide with your plans to buy a home, it can affect your ability to get a mortgage—even if you make more money in your new job. When you apply for a home loan, lenders take a deep dive into your […]
Buying The No. 1 Most Difficult Aspect of Buying a Home Though often one of the most rewarding purchases you can make, buying a home isn’t easy – whether it’s navigating mundane legalities, holding your breath through inspections, or trying to convince a seller that you’re the right person to purchase that home. But more than half of homeowners say the hardest part of buying a […]
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